Kurt Joachim von Behrmann
Welcome to The Art Gallery Index Page
This page is an index of all the art work I have created. Each page contains information about each work such as medium, size and other relevant information. I want to thank you for visiting this site and please feel free to offer feed back on what you have seen by emailing me on this page or on the email link with each gallery page.
If you are interested in purchasing any of the works you see here, please email me, or write for pricing and avalability of the work you have seen here.
Please come back for updates and new additions.
Email me with any questions about the work, or sales information or where you can see the works on exhibition.
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The Art Gallery Pages (As of September 20, 2000)
1. Modiko part one, T his drawing was the first of many that I created dealing with Japanese themes.
2. Abstract Design, A drawing that was created for a web site, but was never used.
3. German Abstract, A small scale drawing that was influenced by many contemporary German Artists.
4. Arkansas, A drawing created in Arkansas about themes from the South. Joni Mitchell fans may find this image of interest.
5. Color Woman, A prisma color drawing that is small inspired by Japanese Art.
6. Cornered, A technical pen drawing that includes Japanese text in Japanese. This work is on display at the Paulina Miller Gallery.
7. Craig Drawing, This drawing was inspired by a personal experience.
8. Der Kuss, A drawing that was inspired by Gustav Klimt and Ego Schiele. This work is on display at the Paulina Miller Gallery.
9. Elizabeth, A technical pen drawing of Queen Elizabeth the First.
10. Fish, A technical pen drawing of abstract forms in a small scale drawing.
11. Flower, An abstract drawing that is small scale.
12. Folk Drawing, An older drawing that was first shown in Charlotte, North Carolina.
13. Girl with Crane, A technical pen drawing that was among the first I created using a Japanese theme.
14. Griot, An older construction created in Michigan.
15. Hiroshima, A drawing that was inspired by a love poem.
16. Jazz Drawing. This work was created for a jazz poster context.
17. Jericho, A drawing inspired by the work of Joni Mitchell. This work is on display at the Paulina Miller Gallery.
18. Joni and Jon, This drawing has been in several shows, and clearly was yet another Joni Mitchell inspired work.
19. Justice, This drawing was turned into a T shirt and poster and has appeared on several magazine covers. It was inspired by the Tarot.
20. Kafka, This work was my visual version of Kafka's work Metamorphosis.
21. Kobicha, This is a traditional Japanese color and helped me to create this drawing.
22. Lady of Sorrows, A personal favorite featuring a contemporary Kimono. This work is on display at the Paulina Miller Studio Gallery.
23. Line Drawing, An abstract drawing featuring just lines.
24. Pride, A drawing of Lions that was featured in Echo Magazine. This drawing has already been sold.
25. Lipstick, This drawing was based on a very traditional Japanese motif, but with a few twists.
26. Memphis, A drawing inspired by the City of Memphis and Joni Mitchell.
27. Modiko Three, Part of a series called Modiko that deal with images inspired by film.
28. Modiko Four, Another in a series that deals with a female image.
29. Monster, A drawing of a monster that was never shown.
30. Phoenix, A drawing of the mythic Phoenix. Since I live here I may as well draw one.
31. Picasso Head, The Pablo Picasso show at the Grand Palais was the inspiration for this drawing.
32. Red Robe, A small scale drawing of a woman with a robe.
33. Snake, If you live in the Southwest, it makes sense to draw one.
34. Study, This is a sketch that shows what I create.
35. Text and Lines, One of the first drawings I created using text.
36. Two Faces. A drawing that showcases Joni Mitchell.
37. Watercolor, A watercolor drawing that uses just a bit of ink.
38. Watercolor Circle, Another watercolor drawing that was never displayed.
39. Wire That Sings, A small drawing uses small text.
40. Woman with Arms Raised, A colorful drawing with a red robe.
41. Woman with Flower, A drawing inspired by the film, Mishima.
42. Woman with Guitar, A Joni Mitchell inspired drawing.
43. Woman with Shamasen, A drawing with text and a small dog. This drawing was created on a larger scale and sold.
44. Woman with Small Dog. A drawing of a lady with a small dog.
Thank you for visiting. Come back to see new additions to the gallery.
Kurt Joachim von Behrmann
5615 North 7th Street, Apt 6, Phoenix, Arizona 85014-2506 Phone: 602-574-3112 or Mobile: 602-279-4461
Emails: kurtv1@excite.com kvonbehrmann@hotmail.com